The Importance of Feminine Energy & Ways to Activate Yours 🌹⚡️


When I refer to feminine energy, I am not associating this with gender. Whatever gender you express yourself to be, you have both a feminine and masculine nature. Sometimes these sides are referred to Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) or associated with the planets, Venus (feminine) and Mars (masculine). 

Positive traits of your feminine side:

  • Being, rather than doing

  • Compassion

  • Receptivity

  • Sensitivity

  • Selflessness

  • Nurturing

  • Passive

  • Gentleness

  • Humility 

Positive traits of your masculine side:

  • Action

  • Moving forward

  • Strength

  • Analytical

  • Logical

  • Discernment 

  • Rational

  • Concrete

  • Protection

  • Ambitious 

There are positive and negative aspects to both, but the key truly is to maintain balance. In a society run by doing, it seems common to fall into an overt masculine state at times. It’s easier for many to focus on work and getting things done, rather than giving time and space to just being and expressing ourselves.

Here are some ways to activate and express your feminine side…

  1. Move your body in ways that feel freeing and that are enjoyable for you. This is not about completing a set workout or completing x minutes on the spin bike. This is free movement without boundaries. Dance, swim in the ocean, run through the forest, practice yoga- do something that requires no timing or boundaries.

  2. Tap into your creativity. We all have ways that we express ourselves creatively. Maybe for you it’s writing, drawing, photography, singing, cooking, or decorating your house. There are so many ways to tap into this, give yourself time to explore this side of yourself.

  3. Go into nature. The Earth has a feminine quality to it- wherever you live, find time to meander a trail, dip in the ocean, or sit under a tree.

  4. Take time to self reflect. Time to be with and reflect on yourself is a very nurturing act. It’s important to check in with how we’re feeling.

  5. Make time for play. Take a break from your daily routine and do something fun and exciting. Many people wait for a vacation to roll around for this, and so here is a reminder to make this a part of daily life. You will feel invigorated with energy by taking time to enjoy life and just do something for the sake of feeling good.

I hope you enjoyed this, let me know ways you express your feminine side in the comments!🌹