Kale Caesar Salad with Roasted Veggies


Mmm I love a good Kale Caesar and always look for this dish when trying new vegan cafes. I put a bit of a spin on this classic, making it a more complete meal, by adding in some roasted veggies. This is a perfect & easy weeknight dinner, that will leave you feeling nourished and satisfied.

Let me know if you get around to making this, I hope you enjoy!

Ingredients (serves 1):

1/2 large head of curly kale, de-stemmed and chopped

1 chopped tomato

2 tsp hemp seeds

1 medium sweet potato and other veggies you desire (I used broccoli)

Cashew Dressing (serves 2)

1/2 cup raw organic cashews (soaked for 2-4 hours)

Juice of 1 lemon

2 tsp raw honey

1 tsp onion powder

Small handful of fresh basil leaves

1/2-1 clove fresh garlic (depending on how much you prefer)

sea salt & fresh ground pepper (to taste)

1/2 cup filtered water


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

  2. Chop up sweet potato and veggies you desire. Sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste.

  3. Roast sweet potatoes and veggies for 20-30 minutes, checking periodically for crispness you prefer.

  4. While the veggies are in the oven, prepare the cashew dressing by combining all the ingredients in a high speed blender. *Be sure to discard the water the cashews were soaking in prior to blending.

  5. Next, massage the kale with half the dressing.

  6. Top your salad with tomatoes, hemp seeds, and the roasted veggies from the oven.

  7. Enjoy!