
There is no one diet that fits all. We all vary tremendously in our genetic makeup, what we ate as children, the environment we live in, etc. One of my primary goals is to help you find a way of eating that best supports your own individual health and happiness. 

Primary Food

Primary food encompasses everything that nourishes us off the plate. This includes healthy relationships, a sense of purpose, a supportive community, an appropriate exercise routine, among other areas that encompass a full life. By working on cultivating balance in the area of primary food, many health complaints can quickly dissolve. 

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Crowding Out

Dietary changes are difficult, plain & simple. This is the primary reason why most diets do not support long lasting changes. Crowding out will take the pressure off of you by adding in foods that are supportive to your body, whilst minimizing those that are causing issues. Over time, this will allow for a smooth transition into a way of eating that you can sustain throughout the rest of your life, not just for a short period of time. 


Daily movement is crucial for a healthy mind, body, and spirit, however, the way we move may change depending on life circumstances. I look forward to helping you find a method of movement you are excited about and look forward to each day. When done right, exercise should leave you feeling happy and energized, not exhausted and depleted.