Why Healing Your Relationship to Food Can Help Heal Your Relationship to Your Self


From the moment we are brought into creation, food resembles a path of receiving life and love. During infancy, we are not capable of giving this to ourselves, and so we must rely on outside sources for sustenance. In an unfamiliar external world, the moment we are nourished brings us comfort & warmth. It’s important to recognize this when seeking to understand your own personal relationship to food. 

Everyone has a very unique partnership with food that stems from early on. We all engage with it everyday, and it truly can be a way to heal deeper parts of ourselves that we may not be giving much attention to. 

During infancy, food really can symbolize safety & security. Without it given to us at this stage of life, we cannot maintain living. Therefore, a lot of times a challenging relationship with food can reflect a feeling of unsafely, insecurity, or fear that is not being acknowledged and processed in a healthy way.

Through working with various clients on this topic and diving into my own healing journey with food, I have come to find the common thread of not feeling safe in our body as a core trigger for certain feelings and behaviors. When we are at complete peace with our inner and outer world, the act of nourishing our bodies comes easily and effortlessly. 

During times of stress or instability, it’s very common to feel the need to control your food in various ways or to use food as a numbing or self sabotaging medium. A lot times we can use food or lack thereof as a way to cope with certain emotions, and I want you to know it’s ok. As you begin to self reflect and notice the ways you use food as a method of dealing with emotions, it gives you the opportunity to peel back layers within yourself to heal these deeper wounds.

You deserve to feel completely at home and at peace in your body. When you are in the experience of deep appreciation for your being, know that self sabotage can not exist… use food as a form of loving yourself. Take some time before each meal to express gratitude, start listening to your body, and slow down. 

If this is something you are interested in receiving support around, feel free to apply for my coaching program. I would love to offer you guidance in this. 

Sending love. xx