1,500 Mile Road Trip Eating Mostly RAW πŸš™πŸŽπŸŒπŸ‰

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I spent the last week being a nomad, driving to some breathtaking destinations. Traveling on the road and maintaining healthy lifestyle practices can be tricky, especially when you spend majority of time sitting and rely on stimulants to stay alert while driving. I’ve been curious about eating a raw food diet, focused primarily on fruits and vegetables, for a long time, and decide to give it a try on this adventure. I came to find that it made my experience much more pleasurable and so I wanted to list some of the benefits I experienced:


This is me…

driving 8hrs and feeling totally stoked on RAW food! 😜

  1. Much more energy and less reliance on caffeine:

This one was huge. I’ve taken road trips before and have found myself seeking out the nearest coffee stop every chance I got. This time was so much different. As I munched along on things like dates, apples, oranges, carrots, and bananas during the day, I maintained a steady stream of energy and didn’t need much coffee. Instead, I ended up drinking more water, and as a result felt much better overall. In the past, I would fill up on protein bars and other convenient snack foods that are much more processed. I realized that whole fruits and veggies didn’t leave me feeling sluggish despite the long hours on the road… I was still singing to my favorite tunes even after a full day of driving.


2. Decreased anxiety and heightened awareness:

I’m not totally sure why my anxiety diminished so much eating this way. I suppose it was because my caffeine intake was much lower, but I’ve always been a bit of an anxious driver. I’m still trying to understand the physiology behind this, but I’m really enjoying this new sense of calm. In addition, my sensitivity to my environment intensified. I could see how external stimuli effected my emotions and my energy on a whole new level.

3. Improved digestion & elimination despite traveling to new places

In all honesty, when I travel my digestion gets backed up. I know this is pretty common as the stress of a new place can cause the digestive system to tense up, however, this was most certainly not the case this time. (I’m thrilled about this one & so is my tummy.)

4. Cultivated greater appreciation for food and felt more connected to nature

There’s something about stopping at a park along the drive, feeling the sun, and filling up on delicious fruits. I felt intense appreciation for the beautiful produce I had access to and the nourishment it gave to my body. Good vibes all the way.


I’m not converting to be 100% fully raw, but this experience has definitely shifted the way I eat. I used to be afraid of eating too much fruit and would try to stay away from sweet fruits like bananas and dates. I feel like I fully cured this fear and realized how incredible these foods are. I also realized how satiated and good I can feel on a super simple diet and the ease of loading the car with produce made eating on the road a breeze. Next time you hit the road or if you have a busy day ahead, instead of filling your backpack with chips, crackers, and bars, fill it with fruits and veggies! Your body and mind will thank you later.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
