Simple Oat Bowl Recipe to Cultivate Yang Energy πŸ’›πŸ”₯


Physical symptoms of yang deficiency:

  • feeling cold

  • hypo-activity

  • lower back pain

  • low energy

  • poor circulation

  • poor digestion or loose stools

  • bloating/ fluid retention

  • low libido

  • infertility

Dietary recommendation: Warming & nourishing foods to rebuild fire

Simple & Warm Oat Bowl (serves 1)


1/2 cup gluten free rolled oats

3/4 cup filtered water

1-2 chopped dates

1/2- 1 banana

1 tbsp almond butter

2 tsp cacao nibs

Spices: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, & nutmeg


  1. Prepare oats following stovetop instructions

  2. Bring oats & water to a bowl then reduce to simmer for a few minutes

  3. Top with dates, banana, almond butter, cacao nibs, and spices

  4. Enjoy!