Becoming… through integration. 💛


In light of bridging the gap of separation, I thought I’d share some of what I feel I’m stepping into. Recently, I’ve been uncovering the sense of freedom that comes with embracing the fullness of my own being… my truth. I realize that shying away from my real essence, building barriers, and keeping myself boxed into some sort of mold of what I’ve felt everyone else wants me to be has kept me small. It’s like I’ve been half hiding in hopes to be liked by others, to keep people from leaving me, and thus abandoning myself in order to keep others happy. What I realize is that this serves no one. Truth is everything. Even when it hurts. It sets us all free. 

The more I’m in full self expression with myself and others, the more connected I feel. With that births the opportune moment to feel humility, freedom, and grace. Some days are better than others and so it takes practice. I fall back into the space of pleasing others at the cost of myself often. The key is awareness… Calling myself out on my own shit is fucking fantastic. 

Being vulnerable and real in a world with an intense emphasis on a perfect exterior makes it all that much more challenging. If there’s something I wish I could tell my younger self, it would be to speak, honor, and embody your truth as much as you possibly can. The more you can do that, the more you will be able to live with a fully open heart, and thus fully give and receive love. I would also tell myself that living through an open heart is not necessarily easy. There are certainly scars in there that when touched will cause pain… But, living each day in complete integrity with your soul is like the sweetest nectar you will ever get to taste. 

Let us bring consciousness around chasing things in the exterior world to feel some sense of wholeness. There is an ocean of love inside each of us. We must work to release fear so that we can fully step into the brilliance of our own being. 

Sat Nam.