Healthy Travel Tips (What I bring to eat & how I stay healthy during a full day on the plane) ✈️🌎

I’m here in Costa Rica writing this post coming in towards the end of my time here. I was hoping to get this up prior to leaving the U.S., but things got quite hectic prior to departure. Nevertheless, I wanted to give you my top tips for eating healthy and maintaining wellbeing while embarking on the adventure of sitting on a plane, rushing through airports, and staying calm during the travel craziness. ✈️🌎

  1. Food

I find that some airports are jumping on the healthy eating bandwagon, and there are some quality options out there… But, I personally like to pack my own food because my digestion can become ultra sensitive during travel. A part from travel anxiety which may wreck havoc on the digestive system, cabin pressure can do a number on the intestines (a.k.a you don’t want to be “that” person that’s got a case of the toots on the plane).

For breakfast, I packed a simple reusable cup of overnight oats. I had to catch an early morning flight, so I prepped this super quick the night before:


2 packets of gluten free chia coconut quick cooking oats

Enough filtered water to moisten the oats, but keep thick consistency

1 tbsp almond butter

1/2 cup frozen blueberries


1. Simply combine all ingredients & let sit in fridge overnight.

2. Grab & go-go in the morning!

For the rest of my day of travel, I like to keep it pretty light. I brought some of my favorite snacks that are nutritious, but also keep me feeling energized and not sluggish.

Here are my top favorites:

  • Whole fruits that are easy on the plane (apples, bananas, oranges, avocado, etc.)

  • Raw nuts (almonds, cashews, etc.)

  • Nut butter packets

  • High quality bars

  • Gluten free seed crackers

2. Hydration

Hydration is so important when your traveling. I hate having to buy the ridiculously expensive water bottles in the airport so I try to always remember to pack my own reusable water in my carry-on (empty, of course). That way I can fill up at the airport and during layovers. In addition, I like to throw some lemon slices and even fresh ginger in my bottle to give my water some flavor and added benefits.

3. Supplements

I’m not a big supplement person, but there are a few I make a priority when I travel.

My top 3 include:

Activated Charcoal: This stuff seriously is a life-saver. You never know what the food situation will be like if your traveling somewhere new and especially to a different country. This stuff has saved me many belly aches. Whenever I’ve questioned if I’ve eaten something bad or my stomach is in shambles, I take 2 of these and the problem is usually fixed by the next day. Phew, no Montezuma’s revenge! (Also, take after the plane to help de-bloat ;))
Probiotics: I use these very similarly to aid in proper digestion when eating unfamiliar food.

Homeopathic jet-lag remedy… this helped tremendously on my way from California to Costa Rica, but not so much on the way back. I’ve had jet lag much worse before, and so fortunately this worked to shortened the duration.

4. Wellbeing strategies

(a.k.a how to keep a sense of calm when rushing to catch a flight, getting stuck on the runway when the airplane before yours caught on fire, merging in crazy traffic in an overly crowded city, and the airline left your surfboard in a random airport during a plane change… don’t worry, I got you!)

Breathe. Remember to breathe and stay present. Remind yourself that t’s all about the journey, not the destination. You never know who you’ll sit next to on a plane or what kind of hilarious story you’ll be able to tell when you get back home. Just stay grateful for all of it.

Aromatherapy. I always carry peppermint and lavender essential oils with me when I fly. I use peppermint on my temples and on the back of my neck to relieve tension headaches and lavender to relax.

Music. Download a mediative playlist on your phone or iPod that will chill you out when you feel like your nervous system is in over drive.

Yoga and stretching. If you have a long day of travel ahead of you, it’s important to take breaks to get up and stretch. I try to aim for about every hour on a plane to get blood flow to my legs and make use of secluded airport spaces during long layovers. On this past trip I think I may have done a full 60 minute yoga flow on a 4 hour layover I had going to Costa Rica.

Reflect. I find airplane travel is such a good time to really get in touch with your thoughts. I don't know what it is about being all those miles up in the sky, but I always fill many journal pages when I fly that really helps put things in perspective.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it in any way helpful. If you have any tips that work for you, I’d love to hear them!