Surrender & Follow Your Natural Flow

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When it comes to health and attaining optimum vitality, I’ve found that this simple approach is what serves the body in the highest good. I’ve come to find that it’s the rigidity and rules created by the mind that throws the body most off balance. 

Just because a certain way of eating is glamorized in the media, working a 9-5 desk job is what society tells us to do, pushing our selves past exhaustion with endless cups of coffee, and eating 3 meals a day is what is the “so-called” normal, if it doesn't feel good, it’s probably not good for the body. I’ve come to find in myself that the more I reject what my body is asking for, the more I run into trouble.

The simple approach of surrendering to my body is what always leads me to feeling better. Taking rest when I need rest, moving in sync with my energy levels, eating when I’m hungry, and taking time for myself when I need it. It seems to me that our culture breeds a mentality of distrusting ourselves. We believe that what others are doing is the key to our own vitality, and that is just not the case. 

One person’s magic potion can be another person’s poison. 

I’ve encountered this extensively not only in myself, but in my clients as well. If your feeling lost in terms of making decisions that will best serve you, here is my greatest tip: track! For one week, commit to tracking what you eat, how you exercise, sleep, emotions, bowel movements, and anything else you deem important. This will give you valuable information in uncovering patterns or certain things you are doing that is causing the imbalance. If this is something you are interested in, but feel you need support, please feel free to contact me.

The absolute key to optimum health is learning to trust and love yourself. Practice this and I have utmost confidence that you start to feel better instantly. 

With love,
