The Most Epic Vegan Cheese Recipe + My Thoughts on Change


Alright so this may be one of my all time favorite recipes. Truth be told, I love cheese… who doesn’t?! I’ve had trouble digesting dairy since High School and so my search for non-dairy options have been long sought after. From a nutrition perspective, I’ve never been satisfied by the vegan cheeses on the market. They are usually filled with a lot of weird ingredients used to act as preservatives & thickeners. I try to consume a whole food diet with as little processed food as possible because that is what makes me feel my best. 

I’ve finally found a recipe that is super simple, easy, & delicious. The best part is you can make a large batch and use it on all your recipes throughout the week… CHEESE HEAVEN! 😍



3/4 cup raw cashews

3 tbsp nutritional yeast

1/2 tsp sea salt 

1/4 tsp garlic powder


  1. Using a high speed blender, simply blend until you get a fine ground texture.

  2. Store in the refrigerator for several weeks. 

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I’ve been experimenting lots… pizza, pasta, salads… so yummy! My most recent obsession: sprinkle on top of an avocado = a savory dream. 

Aside from my new cheesey obsession, I’ve been thinking a lot about change, why change is so hard, what gets people to change, and what keeps us stuck.

When I think about all the times I’ve wanted to change, but couldn’t, I realize there is one common thread among every occasion… the need to avoid pain outweighing the desire to achieve what I want. 

A really easy example when thinking about change and applying it to all areas of life is fitness. If one wants to improve his/ her physical fitness, it’s going to require enduring some pain. You have to push through your comfort zone in order to improve, otherwise your performance will stay the same… When I thought about it this way and having an athletic background, everything clicked for me. 

Even when we know that doing something differently, like breaking a bad habit, changing our diet, getting out of a relationship, pursuing a new career, or just taking a risk in general, will get us closer to reaching a goal, we don’t do it because in some respects it will cause short term pain. There’s going to be discomfort in going for a walk in the evening when you normally sink into the couch in front of the TV, eating fruits and vegetables instead of processed junk food, getting out of a relationship when it feels all too comfortable, or starting a new career when you’re certainly going to face a lot of failure and rejection…

But then we must realize that without that short term pain, there is no growth. There is no reaching goals or improving on different areas of life. Without pain, we are stagnant & complacent. And so, I’m moving into embracing pain. It is the way to get to where we want to go. It is what shapes us and makes us better human beings. 

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know if get around to trying this recipe or are going through a process of change yourself. Looking forward to connecting! 



*Recipe adapted from