YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE. My first trimester of pregnancy was probably the most physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging experience I’ve ever had. There were moments I’d lay curled up on the shower floor crying, wanting to give up. I felt like I was failing my daughter already… the physical symptoms (all day nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue) coupled with the transition from womanhood to motherhood is something I don’t think anyone is really prepared for… it really took a lot of faith and prayer to feel capable in body and mind to make it this far.


IT’S OKAY TO LET OTHERS CARE FOR YOU. This was a really hard one for me… as a caretaker my whole life, allowing others to do things for me and to take a big step back on my responsibilities brought up all kinds of guilt. Allowing myself to be fully vulnerable physically & emotionally was an uncomfortable place to be in, but I accepted that I can’t do this alone… and that’s ok (I’m also extremely thankful to my loving partner for staying up all night with me while I was sick and having emotional meltdowns left and right).


TRUST YOURSELF. It was really easy for me to fall into a big negative mind spin over every little sensation I felt or fear that something would go wrong (also, do not turn to google when you suspect something… just call your doctor). When I’d get quiet in myself and really challenge my fears, I knew that everything was going to work out as it should.


PRACTICE BOUNDARIES. Being pregnant is physically and emotionally taxing in itself. Learning to say no, not answer the phone, or take my time getting back to people is something I’ve had to adapt to… prioritizing self care over people pleasing is a something I’m having to continually practice.


DO THE BEST YOU CAN. I got really down on myself throughout parts of my pregnancy… for not eating perfectly, exercising more, spending more time on my business, cancelling client calls, etc. I’ve made it this far and definitely didn’t eat the healthiest diet, laid in bed for many days, and let obligations go… doing the best you can means working with the energy of the day and accepting yourself regardless. If there’s one thing I want to teach my daughter, it’s that she is worthy of love no matter what and that your best is all you can give.


I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know if you like reading these. xo