Something I’ve been thinking about…
I ate these plant based sexy cinnamon rolls for breakfast. They have nothing to do with this post, but i’m inspired to re-create this recipe… so stay tuned! ;-)
Hello there! So, it’s been a hot minute since I sat down to write a blog post… with all that’s been going on it’s been a little challenging to stoke my creative fire.
But, writing and photography is a huge creative outlet for me, and so here we are… I am feeling inspired to share ideas, recipes, wellness tips, and all the things on my mind… so if you’re interested, stay tuned!
Ok, on to the topic I wanted to share as my initiation back into the blog-o-sphere… a shift in mindset that can be applied from the smallest of things, like spilling your coffee in the morning, to some of the bigger world issues, like… [do I even need to name them here].
This is something I’ve been applying in my own life most recently, and I have to say it has been exceptionally helpful in swimming through some of the dense emotions I know we are all feeling. The truth is, the good, bad, and ugly of our external world is not going to change. It doesn't matter what it is or who you are, inevitably, you will find your back pushed up against the wall at some point in life. What I’ve found is that it’s not these “unfortunate” events that are contributing to a collective struggle in mental and emotional wellbeing, however it’s our RELATIONSHIP to these things.
It’s healthy to allow yourself to fully experience all emotions. It’s actually vitally important for the holism of an individual to fully go through the process of grief, anger, fear, loneliness etc. Nevertheless, what I’m finding is our tendency to stay in that experience that ultimately creates an emotional bondage that is weighing on all aspects of our wellbeing.
Think about it: life is all about perception. I’m not saying that any of what is happening is not undoubtably horrifying, but what I am saying is that there is power in how we relate to these things.
So, try it on for size. Start small. Think about some of the the little things that are weighing on you. Maybe it’s a certain person not calling you back, the laundry that’s building up in the corner, or sleeping through your alarm. Try viewing these things from an objective point of view and ask yourself: What is my relationship to this thing? What about this circumstance is making me feel this way? What am I making this mean about myself? Where does this come from?
This is not an easy process, but I promise it will lead you to some serious self discovery and you may learn something about yourself you haven't realized through these questions… If you hit a block and reach a point of conclusion, finally ask yourself: Is this serving me? See what happens and please share if you feel called!
Sending you all lots of love.