A.M. Wellness

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Root to Rise

“When The Roots Are Deep There Is No Reason To Fear The Wind”

~African Proverb


In truth, the past few weeks I haven't been feeling like myself. My current reality started to feel foreign to me, kind of like I was stuck in the mud with no way out… As a result of my dissatisfaction my mental, physical, and emotional health started to suffer. I developed insomnia and spent a great deal of time fighting off the same virus that just wouldn't seem to leave my body. Every night I’d watch the clock anxiously asking God for help… All in all, I felt lost, confused, and somewhat depressed. I couldn’t understand. I have a wonderful life and so much to be grateful for; what was going on inside me felt so confusing and disheartening. 

My go to method of dealing with these kind of rock bottom feelings in my life, is to get quiet in nature and ask for help. I believe that we all hold the answers for ourselves; we just need to cultivate the space and openness to receive. 

And so… I went out one evening for a 2 hour walk on the beach. I was approaching some time off from work to visit my family back in New York, but for some reason it just didn’t feel like that’s what I should be doing. As I walked that night, I kept feeling this really deep pull to the island of Kauai (I know, totally random).

I’ve spent a great deal of time on the island of Maui, but Kauai was unchartered territory for me. I’ve always had hopes to visit one day with friends or family, but my gut kept saying that I had to go NOW.

I surrendered to the call, and decided to follow this irrational part of me. I know I disappointed some family members, but I felt so strongly in my heart that this was the right thing to do. 

I booked a ticket later that night, packed my backpack, and off I went. I can honestly say it was the best decision I’ve made in a really long time. The island healed me in so many ways. I was given the opportunity to connect deeply with the Earth, and found so much clarity & stillness in myself. The clearer I got on what I wanted, the more the Universe delivered. I don’t want to go into too much detail here, but let’s just say there were some very divine synchronicities that occurred during my trip. =)

I feel so blessed and taken care of at this time. My mind has completely re-focused and my soul feels motivated and inspired. Everything is beginning to make sense. 

All I can say is, don’t give up on your dreams. Anything is possible. You are here for a big purpose. If you feel lost, start asking questions. Keep asking. Then get quiet and start listening.

That’s where all the magic begins to unfold.

