A.M. Wellness

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The New Year: A Time for Reflection & Intention

Reining in the New Year is an incredibly beautiful thing. It gives us all some time for reflection and to lay down new intentions. Taking the time to look back on the past year is paramount for breaking through old habits, patterns, and ways of being that no longer serve. The ability to recount all the highs, lows, lessons, and blessings is what will set the foundation for reaching new goals and embodying the greatest version of YOU.

Step One: Know Where You’re Going

Get still and take time to envision who you want to show up as everyday. Start thinking about how you want to be in relation to others and what skills you must cultivate to get you to achieving what you most desire… Envision your dream of “a day in the life of you.” What does that look like? Who do you surround yourself with? What are you doing?

Step Two: Ignite Your Fire!

Find your why and reflect on what brings meaning to your life. It’s important to stay connected to why your passionate about achieving a certain goal and to remain in alignment with what brings you enthusiasm. With that, adopt a gratitude mindset and implement daily practices to optimize your wellbeing.

Step 3: Write it Out & Make a Plan

Once you’re clear on what you want and why, it’s time to get to plotting and planning. Break. It. Down. If it’s a one year goal your after, break that down into 12 monthly goals. Then, each month set your weekly goals, and every morning jot down your daily goals to keep you focused. Re-read your BIG vision often to keep you motivated and in flow.


Expect that things will most likely not progress perfectly, as the unpredictability of life continues to show us what works and what doesn’t. Finding the way comes from experience and honor that it takes time and patience.

Breakdowns are really breakthroughs. The only way to grow is to navigate the hard stuff and to most importantly learn from it. Next time the rain starts pouring down, throw your arms in the air and scream because some good shit is right around the corner!


If there’s anything I could say about 2018, it is that life is full of uncertainty (don’t expect stagnation, it’s just not happening), life is precious (there were one too many close calls this year, and so I feel gratitude pouring out of my ears), and it is full of situations that are going to push your edge… hard (but if your not growing, you’re dying, so bring it on).

I’m looking forward to what 2019 has in store and reminding myself to stay connected to what I value most: love, connection, & service.
