Homemade Almond Milk

I love almond milk. Personally, I have a really hard time with dairy products. Cow’s milk gives me a lot of digestive issues and makes my skin break out terribly, and so for that reason I’m all about plant based “milks”.


Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about ways to reduce waste and to reduce the amount of processed food items I purchase from the grocery store (this also cuts costs). It pains me every week when I look at my recycling bin and it is filled with a couple plastic almond milk containers. I heard that a whopping 91% of recycled plastic isn't recycled and makes its way to the ocean. I could cry as I write this because of how much the ocean has my heart. With that, I’m doing my best to reduce the amount of plastic I buy so that I don’t even have to think about it potentially killing a turtle or a dolphin.


This almond milk recipe is super easy, fast, creamy, and delicious. Almond milk is loaded with nutrients, including: Vitamins E, A, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, and copper. All great for glowing skin, better vision, and energy production.

Woot woot!

Kitchen Tools:

High speed blender (like a Vitamix)

Large bowl

Nut milk bag

Glass jars for storing


*I make my almond milk plain & simple so that I can use it as a base for different sweet & savory recipes. Feel free to add a little jazz to your milk, like honey, vanilla, strawberries, cacao… the possibilities are endless! Just be sure to make the almond milk first, then blend in your extras after it’s finished.


2 cups raw almonds

Filtered water for soaking

4 cups filtered water to make the milk



  1. Soak your almonds filtered water. Simply place almonds in an airtight container with enough water so that they are completely immersed. Store in the fridge overnight and they will be ready in the morning!

  2. In the morning, strain your soaked almonds and place them in your high speed blender with 4 cups of filtered water.

  3. Blend for about 1 minute.

  4. Place your nut milk bag over your bowl and pour almond mixture inside. Let the liquid drain through the bag and into the bowl. Use your hands to squeeze out remaining liquid until you are left with just pulp inside the bag.

  5. Store almond milk in glass jars in the fridge for up to 5 days.


I hope you enjoy this recipe! Let me know if you make your own almond milk or have any comments or suggestions below! :)