Operating from Your Womb Space // Stand in YOUR Truth


I had the opportunity recently to go to a super cool event where I listened to the teachings of the inspirational speaker, Rachael Groover. Rachael spoke about the Art of Feminine Presence and operating from your womb space. As I’ve been reflecting on everything she taught, I felt like I must share, as her teachings resonate perfectly with where I’ve found myself getting stuck time and time again. It also struck a cord in me with some things I’ve been realizing on my own as life continues to progress in different ways. I hope this sheds light on something for you as well and inspires you to stand in your truth.


I’m beginning to realize more and more how important it is to ensure you’re putting your energy into the right places; and to practice cultivating awareness around where your energy is going into things that are causing disharmony between you and your higher self. Your higher self is the part of you that is all knowing. It is the part that speaks to you in dreams and whispers. It gently guides you along your life path. You may call it your higher self, you may call it God, Shakti, Spirit, Universe, Ancestors, etc.

In those moments when you feel so divinely guided to do something, that is when you are hearing it, feeling it, living it.

But, what about the lower parts of us? It is also important to pay attention here, as these are the pieces that pull us out of our truth. These are the parts that operate from a space of fear, rather than love and alignment.

For me, my lower self keeps me stuck. My lower self is scared of what other people think of me, it fears judgement, it fears people not liking me, it plays small, it fears rejection, it feels not enough, it fears not being loved, and it turns into a spiral of anxious thoughts about what’s going to happen next.

When Rachael described the “womb space,” as being your place of power, authority, and truth; everything clicked for me. Especially as a woman, this is a sensitive place. Not only is this the place where we harness our truth and bring life into the world, but it can also be a place where we carry a lot of trauma. Releasing that is paramount for embracing the beauty of your feminine presence. It takes time. Give yourself the gift of complete compassion and grace.

The first step is to bring awareness around the fragmentation that occurs between the higher and lower parts of the self.

Knowing when I’m in my lower vibration is liberating because I can totally call myself out on it.

Recognition is key.

Usually an enactment from the lower self is stemming from a pretty deep wound so it’s completely normal to feel an intense emotional charge when you do recognize the behavior. The behavior grows from a much deeper seed, that is a core belief you have about yourself.

Once you come into contact with your core beliefs enough, you can begin to realize that they are just beliefs, not truths. In that you are liberated. That is the womb space. Your place of power. It is unshakable. It is connected. It is essence. Operate from here.

Love to you beautiful goddess. xo
