A.M. Wellness

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Limiting Beliefs & My Experience with Anxiety & Depression

"We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience." -Louise L. Hay

I’m going to throw caution into the wind for this post… I notice I’m often times scared to be vulnerable with others, but what I realize is, that is the very thing that fosters deep human connection. If what I express in the post sheds light and creates that feeling of “I am not alone,” for one person, then I feel like I have served my purpose fully.

The truth is, I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since high school. I’ve been in and out of therapy since age 18. I heard recently that over 50% of Americans struggle with this, but I sometimes feel like its a voodoo topic to talk about. I’m hope to push that boundary. I don’t view this as something negative anymore. Has it driven me into some deep dark scary places? Yes. But, honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. It has also allowed me to dig so deep within myself, I’ve gained invaluable awareness and fostered intense compassion for other human suffering.

Something I want to bring attention to here in this post are limiting beliefs. What are they? Limiting beliefs are core thoughts we have about ourselves, often formulated early on in childhood, that shape a lot of what we do. Whatever area of life is not working for you is usually where a limiting belief is guiding the way. It’s the gap between what you say you want and what your doing. For example, saying you want to be in a healthy loving relationship, but staying in one that feels comfortable because you don’t think you deserve better. Here are some steps to kick those limiting beliefs to the curb:

  1. Come face to face with the limiting belief. Write it down. (i.e. I am not worthy of a loving healthy relationship & I’m scared to leave this one)

  2. Acknowledge that is is simply a thought, not a truth.

  3. Counter it. Try on a new empowering belief about yourself. (I deserve to be loved unconditionally and treated with respect)

  4. Change your actions. Okay, this is the hard part, but change is uncomfortable. Know that it won’t always be easy, but it will get you closer to living the life you want, and ultimately freedom from the thoughts that hold you back.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I know it’s different from the content I usually put forth. If you would like to read more like this, please leave a comment or a like so I know to continue in this direction. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. ❤️