A Piece of My Story, Healing from Amenorrhea, & How I Can Help You...


Do you feel a little stuck right now? Maybe physically, mentally, emotionally… or all three? Do you feel tired or like your life is not moving in the direction you wish? I know this feeling all too well, and want you to know you are not alone. I’m not here to tell you what to do… I don’t have answers for you… But, what what I can do is hold your hand as we move through the twists and turns of life. I want you to be the best version of yourself on all planes.

As I reflect on my own journey, I look back a little over a year ago when I sat with myself and a piece of paper for 1 hour without being able to write down 1 goal. I lacked direction, I was unemployed, bouncing from place to place, and extremely sad inside. It took me a lot of commitment to facing to my own internal demons and time to begin to figure things out… It hasn't been an easy journey, but what I’m certain of is my deep burning desire to help others.

When I work with clients we talk not only diet & exercise, but also: career, relationships, home environment, social life, joy, spirituality, creativity, finances,and much more. You see, the body is like a super computer. It’s much smarter than what your mind can conceptualize, and when things get too out of balance, physical symptoms result and only worsen until a state of homeostasis is achieved.

To bring light and understanding around this concept I will share a personal story that elicits the intense connection between the emotional and physical body…


For the majority of my teenage years I would describe myself as pretty shy and repressed. I never really let myself cry or talk about anything that was super sensitive to me. There were some pretty intense events that occurred in my childhood that I never spoke about. In fact, I remember the first time I told my best friend some of it, I was so afraid that I ran into my closet, closed the door, and cried silently and quickly to myself. Other than that moment, I never journaled about it, I never talked about it, I just stuffed it deep inside for safe keeping.

At age 16, I became amenorrheic. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this term, it essentially means I stopped menstruating… for the next 4 years. This was a scary time for me, because I would pray and pray that every month I would be born into womanhood. It made me feel defective and like I didn’t know what was going on inside my body. I was scared I’d be stuck this way and would never be given the opportunity to bing life into the world… And so, I tried everything. I changed my diet, I changed the way I exercised, I saw an OBGYN, an N.D., and a D.O. I was put on progesterone, I took fish oil, chaste tree berry, maca powder… you name it, I tried it. Nothing worked… until, I enrolled in yoga teacher training (which was basically like 5 months of intensive group therapy). It broke down so many walls for me, and it was the first time I really let myself cry. 2 months after graduating from YTT my period arrived and has been completely regular ever since.

To me, this elicited the importance of processing through emotion, feeling supported, and strength in vulnerability. I have infinite gratitude for that experience and what I learned through it. It is part of the reason I am so passionate in the work and service I provide to my clients. If you are reading this, I want you to know I’m here for you. Life is tough, and shouldn't be done alone.

If you are interested in a free phone or in person consultation with me, please email at: contact@amwellness.coach . Also, I offer a lot of flexibility in pricing. I don’t believe that health should be expensive, so I am willing to work with you in what is comfortable.

I look forward to connecting.