Top Tips for Flu Recovery/ Prevention

Acceptance. Surrender. Gratitude.

At first sign of a scratchy throat, a sudden sense of anger & frustration quickly infiltrated my body. As this was now the second time being sick since Thanksgiving, I really felt like the Universe was dealing me an undeserved hand. I consciously chose not to accept it… continuing on with my go-go way of living… and pushing myself to reach an all time physical low. I finally started to wake up. 




Accepting what I cannot control is a constant lesson I am served. Plain & simple, illness is really hard to cope with, be it with yourself or with someone you love. Sometimes what our physical bodies go through can seem unfair & relentless, but all experiences, I feel, have divine purpose. Maybe it’s a signal to slow down… maybe a message to be easier on yourself… or, maybe it’s to bring you closer and more connected to source. Whatever the reason may be, what I have learned is that the more I accepted my current circumstance, the better I felt. It was like completely letting myself off the hook for all the things that needed to be accomplished and all the goals I wanted to tackle. “That can wait,” I told myself, “For now, I am focused on healing.” 


Sickness is often as much a spiritual & emotional experience as it is physical… The weekend came. The sun rose and pervaded its way through all the cracks and seams of my window blinds. The room lit up. Blinking my eyes open that morning I felt paralyzed in a body that wouldn't allow me to do the things I normally asked of it. Shuffling my way all of 10 feet to the bathroom required breaks as all my limbs fell limp. Laying there, staring at my ceiling, tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I closed my eyes, took some very deep breaths, and suddenly felt release. I surrender to you. I surrender to all somatic sensation keeping me physically tied to my mattress. This is not all I am, and I know with time it too shall pass. 


Illness, I realized, is an incredibly humbling experience. The first time I built up the strength to walk my dog outside filled me up with so much gratitude & happiness. To see a sky, trees, and leaves, instead of the four corners of a room was the best gift I’d ever been given. I quickly became conscious of all the little things I don’t give enough appreciation to on a daily basis. My ability to walk, breathe, & see without the room spinning was a miracle. I have a new found love for all the work my body does without me asking. 

Strangely, coming down with the flu was a blessing in a very unfavorable disguise. 2018 has already delivered some powerful lessons that I know I’m still learning. I know this served it’s purpose, and I honor it. 

For anyone currently experiencing physical illness, I feel for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Remember that you are more than just a physical body. I am sending you all the love and wishing you a speedy recovery back to health & vitality. 


My Top Tips for Fighting/ Preventing the Flu


1. Rest, rest, &… more rest! 

Use this time to really take it easy. I know for many people it’s hard to be able to take a sick day off of work, but if you can, take it. Make rest your number one top priority. Also, stop your normal exercise routine and don’t push your body when you don’t have the energy. If you feel like you can get some movement in, do so, but be mindful & keep it gentle. 

2. Chicken soup & bone broth

Chicken soup is not just an urban legend. There have been studies proving its anti- inflammatory effects in easing respiratory symptoms. Bone broth, as well, has been shown to have many immune boosting benefits.

3. Herbal Teas

Some of my favorite herbal teas for when I’m under the weather: Throat Coat by Traditional Medicinals, and a new tea I found at a Health Cafe in Santa Fe, NM called: Gynostemma. This tea has been around Southern China for centuries, and is often called the “immortality tea.” 


4. Antioxidants… Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is so important for the immune system. Your defense cells NEED this vitamin in order to perform their job. A recent finding for me has been Camu Camu powder. One teaspoon has over 200% of your recommended daily need of Vitamin C. It’s a bit tangy, but a very nice addition to fruit smoothies. 


5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays many roles in the body, and one of them is regulating the innate & adaptive immune system. If you don’t live in an area where you can get adequate sun exposure, or you spend a lot of time indoors, I highly suggest looking for a high quality supplement. 

6. Garlic

The compound in garlic, called allicin, is what is responsible for it’s immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. If you can tolerate eating raw garlic, go for it! … or if your like me, just throw a couple cloves in your next veggie sauté or even add it chopped up in your next bowl of soup. 

7. Supplements I took (please check with your doctor before stating any new supplement regimen, I’m sharing what I’ve been currently taking to enhance my body’s defenses):

  • Spirulina

  • Fermented Chlorella

  • Fermented Mushroom Complex

  • Oil of Oregano

  • Holy Basil Leaf

  • Rhodiola

  • Ashwaganda

  • Colloidal Silver

  • Vitamin D3


8. Love & Support ❤️

Always needed. Nuff said. 

Wishing everyone a happy & healthy 2018!