Adrenal Fatigue a.k.a BURNOUT


Society today puts a huge emphasis on the go-go lifestyle, often leaving many of us, myself included, feeling overly stressed and exhausted. When we’re tired, many of us reach for caffeine or sugar to compensate for the natural cues our body provides. When we’re feeling low energy, we should be resting, not pushing to the point of no return. Over time, the accumulated stress, may it be work-related, family/ friend-related, relationship, etc. can tax the adrenal glands causing many undesirable symptoms. Some of which include:

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

  • Excessive feelings of fatigue

  • Brain fog/ trouble remembering things

  • Weight gain & or inability to lose weight, especially around the mid-section

  • Dry skin/ hair loss

  • Depression/ irritability/ anxiety

  • Sleep trouble

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Feelings of lightheadedness

  • Sugar & salt cravings

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Bone/ Muscle loss

  • Insulin reisstance

  • Weakened stress response

  • Increased susceptibility to the flu & other respiratory illnesses

The science behind it 

The adrenal glands resemble the size of a large grape and sit atop of the kidneys. They are responsible for coping with stress. These two glands modulate the fight or flight response of the sympathetic nervous system via epinephrine & norepinephrine. In addition, the adrenals produce over 50 different hormones, some of which comprise of glucocorticoids (stress hormones), mineralocorticoids (responsible for electrolyte balance), & androgens (DHEA & testosterone). The most signifiant glucocorticoid produced is CORTISOL. Cortisol is responsible for normalizing blood sugar, reducing inflammation, and regulating blood pressure. Cortisol levels should be in a rhythmic pattern throughout the day, peaking in the morning. When we constantly over-stress our body, the adrenals become exhausted and can no longer pump out the necessary amounts of cortisol to cope with stress.

So.... What can you do?

  1. Diet: reduce or eliminate caffeine, sugar, processed carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, & processed meats. INCLUDE more of: high quality fats (coconut, avocado, olives), green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli), seaweed, celtic or himalayan salt, & fermented foods

  2. Support your adrenals with adaptogenic herbs daily: supplement with Ashwaganda, Licorice root, Rhodiola; there’s also some really great adrenal supporting teas on the market as well

  3. Reduce stress: take some time to write down the 3 biggest stressors in your life. Then ask yourself possible solutions or ways to positively handle these areas of your life.

  4. Some more tips:

  • When your feeling tired and have the ability rest, take it!

  • Try to stick to a regular sleep cycle (going to bed & waking up at the same time)

  • Engage in moderate exercise (avoid overly strenuous activities)

  • Take time to do the activities you find most relaxing for you

  • Bring more joy into your life (go out in nature, spend time with people you love)

  • Invite in more self love (positive affirmations, mantras, positive self talk)

Adrenal Fatigue Tonic


This tonic is best taken upon rising when cortisol levels are at their peak.


8oz Water

Squeeze of a lime or any citrus fruit

1/4 - 1/2 tsp Celtic or Himalayan salt depending on how your body reacts (if this tastes good and nourishing to you, that’s a good sign you really need it… increase or decrease salt amount as your body sees fit) 


The tonic recipe explained: 

Why salt? ~ When the adrenal glands are overly exhausted, our bodies have a really hard time retaining salt. Salt is a crucial electrolyte and can be very dangerous when levels fall too low. 

Why citrus fruit? ~ Vitamin C aids in the adrenals production of cortisol, thus the addition of any citrus fruit shall do. It may also be wise to supplement with vitamin C if you are really struggling & don’t feel you get enough through your diet.