Food Combining

Proper food combining is a dietary principle based on the idea that certain foods are best digested when eaten together, while others are best consumed separately. The theory is that different types of foods require different enzymes and pH levels for digestion, and by combining foods appropriately, you can optimize digestion and minimize digestive issues such as bloating and gas.

While there are various schools of thought on proper food combining, some common guidelines include eating fruit on an empty stomach (to prevent fermentation in the gut), avoiding combining proteins and starches in the same meal (as they require different enzymes for digestion), and consuming vegetables with proteins or starches (as they generally aid in digestion).

While some people may find relief from digestive discomfort by following proper food combining principles, it's important to note that individual responses to food can vary. It's always a good idea to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet based on food combining principles.