Let’s talk: PROTEIN + Chunky Vegan Chili Recipe


One of the most common concerns I hear from individuals regarding a plant-based diet is: WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN?!

In a society that puts incredible emphasis on having an animal based protein at every meal, it can seem confusing as to how to replace this with plants… I want you to consider for a moment how various species in the animal kingdom, some of which grow to incredible sizes and have exceptional strength, get protein from purely plant based sources. Think about animals like: the gorilla, elephant, rhino, and horse… all are powerful creatures that grow perfectly healthy on plants alone.

Although protein is of course a vital nutrient, it is not commonly a cause of concern regarding deficiency, unless the individual is in a state of starvation or severe malnutrition. Eating a wide variety of plant foods like, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains, provides all essential and non-essential amino acids you need to fulfill your protein requirements effortlessly and with ease. Evidently, most meat eaters actually exceed their protein needs and can cause some severe internal damage, especially to their kidney function. It has been documented that within just a few hours of consuming meat or other animal products, your kidneys rev up to hyper filtration mode, leading to unnecessary strain and stress. This is perfectly fine for the human body to experience intermittently, however, this kind of daily strain can lead to a complete deterioration of kidney function over time.

Additionally, it should be considered that animal protein is high acidic and can lead to a state of acidosis in the body when consumed regularly. All chronic diseases, viruses, and bacteria, thrive in an acidic medium. A return to alkalinity, truly is the only way to restore harmony and balance in the body… and this can only be achieved by fully eliminating or greatly reducing acidic foods (mainly animal products) in your diet.


I hope this gives you some food for thought regarding this highly debatable topic. With that, here is my super comforting and delicious Chunky Vegan Chili Recipe to warm you up on these winter days:



2-3 cloves garlic, minced

1 yellow onion, diced

1 green bell pepper, diced

2 stalks celery, diced

2 carrots, sliced

3-4 tbsp chili powder (depending on spice level you prefer)

2 tsp cumin

2 cans chili beans

One 28 oz can crushed tomatoes

2 cups veggie broth

Salt and pepper to taste

Cilantro & lime for topping


1. Add garlic and onion to a large pot over medium-high heat with 1/4 cup of vegetable broth. Cook until broth evaporates, stirring occasionally.

2. Once the garlic & onion start to turn golden brown, add an additional 1/4 cup of vegetable broth and add the rest of the vegetables.

3. Sauté for a few minutes, adding the rest of the vegetable broth slowly along with the spices & stir.

4. Add drained beans & crushed tomatoes and stir well. Increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to a simmer, cover, and cook for 10 min. Cook uncovered for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Adjust seasonings as desired & top with desired toppings such as cilantro, avocado, vegan sour cream, etc.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Sending you many warm blessings.

