A.M. Wellness

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Holistic Tips to Fight the Flu (Intermittent Fasting, Acupuncture, Diet…)

Okay so it’s kind of uncommon to get the flu in the middle of Summer, but the combination of a highly sensitive immune system, some emotional distress, traveling, and pushing my body a bit harder physically & mentally resulted in me being swept off my feet. Truth be told, I’ve gotten sick quite often within the past 3 years of my life. It’s something I’m actively working on and fortunately this time around I found some new ways that actually got me better much faster. 

We all know the common things we should do when we get sick: rest, fluids, Vitamin C, soup, tea, etc. These were all things I was doing and honestly was feeling worse and worse. I felt so bad and desperate, I actually tried some conventional care that ended up making things disastrous. I pretty much always steer clear of pharmaceutical drugs, unless I have no other option… I was feeling so low I gave Tamiflu a try. For those of you unfamiliar, Tamiflu is an anti-viral drug that is supposed to shorten the duration and severity of the flu. NEVER AGAIN. My body hated me when I took this. I ended up spending hours hugging the toilet dry heaving, feeling like I was dying. One of the main side effects is nausea and vomiting, and it’s just not worth it. 

After that experience, I was ready to give some other alternatives a go and was elated to be super successful. The three main things I did were intermittent fasting, acupuncture, and some changes in my diet.

  1. Intermittent Fasting (IF): IF is an incredible way to boost immunity. It essentially triggers the birth of new immune system cells, giving you more power to fight off whatever pathogen is causing your sickness. I did this only for one day and felt huge shifts in the how I felt. I fasted for roughly 18 hours and felt like I made a 40% improvement in my energy and strength from that alone. IF has many incredible benefits, my only caveat with it is that it can interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle, which is why I don’t personally practice it regularly. I think it’s a great tool to use when you need it and can also be exceptionally useful for someone who is overweight or insulin resistant.

  2. Acupuncture. When we feel ill, something is clearly off balance. There is a current of energy that runs through the body, which in Acupuncture is called Qi. When Qi becomes blocked, physical symptoms arise. The practice of Acupuncture and utilizing Chinese herbs works to clear blocked Qi, allowing the body to restore balance. I had just one acupuncture treatment along with taking certain Chinese herbs specific to my ailments, and I felt worlds of a difference… after an incredibly deep nap post treatment. =)

  3. Diet. Your nutrition is paramount always, but especially when your sick. Stick to whole fruits and vegetables, avoid overt fats (as they’re hard for the body to digest), and eliminate all caffeine and processed sugars & oils. I found my body did best when I gave it very simple things, like watery fruits, so that it didn't have to work so hard when I was already running on very low energy.

I hope you found this helpful. I’m sending you lots of healing energy if you’re currently under the weather. Sometimes being sick is just a signal that we really need to slow down and rest, so give your body that chance. Additionally, saying this mantra aloud really helps the mind as well: “My immune system is perfect. My immune system is strong. My immune system is restoring my body back to optimum health.” 

