A.M. Wellness

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Balancing Female Sex Hormones: My Top 4 Tips

Mood swings, PMS, irregular periods, bloating, cramps, acne, heavy bleeding, insomnia, anxiety, night sweats… the list goes on… all the things caused by imbalanced female sex hormones. It’s a lot, and trust me I know how frustrating it can feel. I wish I could tell you that there is one thing you can do to bring your body back into balance, but that is just not the case. Our hormones are affected by so many external factors, and so the only way to truly find relief is by taking a holistic approach. I’ve narrowed it down to the the top 4 areas that influence these hormones the most. Start making changes in each of these areas, and I promise you will start to feel much better. 💜

#1. Diet

Adjusting your diet is a powerful way to make big shifts in balancing your hormones. Here I will share with you the foods that can cause your hormones disturbance & foods that help reestablish homeostasis.

Foods to eliminate:

  • Dairy & gluten

  • Refined carbohydrates

  • Excessive animal proteins (especially ones treated with hormones & antibiotics)

  • Processed soy & corn

  • Fried foods

  • Sugary beverages

Foods to add in:

  • Dark leafy greens

  • Cruciferous vegetables

  • Healthy fats

  • Fiber

  • Whole plant foods

Focus on these:

  1. Keep your blood sugar balanced: excessive high & low blood sugar swings can wreck havoc on your hormones

2. Don’t go on extreme diets (cutting out major macronutrients, like carbohydrates, is stressful to your system and can cause hormones to fluctuate)

3. Practice optimal food combining for smooth digestion

4. Cut back on excessive caffeine consumption

5. Eat when you are hungry & stop when you are full… get in touch with your body’s natural hunger cues.

#2. Sleep

Skimping out on sleep is a nightmare for your hormones. Even if you have a “perfect” diet, sleep deprivation can cause a whole host of symptoms. Focus on getting 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Practice a night routine that helps your body calm down and prepare for quality rest.

#3. Stress

The periods of time in my life when my hormones felt the most unbalanced, were when I was under high amounts of stress (i.e moving, grad school, breakups, etc). Stress reduction techniques like meditation, time in nature, quality time with loved ones, or whatever else helps you relax is essential. PRIORITIZE THESE!

#4. Exercise

Exercising too little or too much can also take a tremendous toll on your body. I’ve personally experienced both ends of the spectrum, and it’s not fun. Remember, exercise should be a form of eustress. Overexercising or partaking in activity that is too strenuous can negatively effect your hormones. With that, inactivity can also take a toll. Engage in a moderate amount of exercise, something that brings you joy everyday, and you will feel a huge difference.

I hope you find this helpful!

