A.M. Wellness

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Creamy Cashew Broccoli Soup (V, GF, Paleo)

Mmm as the weather cools down soups are an amazing way to bring some comfort & warmth to the body from the inside out. I love the creaminess and flavor of this recipe. It pairs really well with some quinoa or brown rice, and is the perfect balance of nourishment & satisfaction. This recipe is super simple, all you need is a pot and a blender:

Ingredients (makes 4 servings):

1 cup raw cashews

5 cups vegetable broth

1 white onion finely chopped

4 1/2 cups broccoli florets

1 tsp dried basil

1 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

1/4-1/2 avocado


1. Blend cashews & 1 cup vegetable broth until smooth in blender

2. Put remaining 4 cups of vegetable broth in a large pot, add onion, bring to a simmer, & cook for 5 minutes. Stir in broccoli & basil, return to simmer until all veggies are tender.

3. Stir in cashew mixture from the blender & add salt & pepper. Once at a simmer remove from heat and blend half the soup in blender. Add blended soup back to the pot & stir.

4. Serve over 1/2 cup quinoa/ brown rice and top with nutritional yeast & sliced avocado. 👌

Nutrition Facts for one serving with 1/2 cup cooked quinoa.