A.M. Wellness

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Eating for Clear Skin

Maintaining a clear complexion is something I’ve struggled with since my early teenage years. I’ve experimented with all types of washes, lotions, and serums, but came to the conclusion that the reflection of my skin was highly linked to what I was eating. After much research and trial & error I’ve found significant improvements when eliminating and adding in certain foods.

The biggest culprits for acne: Dairy & Sugar

Dairy consumption and the prevalence of acne has been widely studied and proven to increase breakouts. The hormones in dairy products, as well as it’s ability to increase a certain protein, IGF-1, have been linked to increased acne in boys and girls. Personally, if I eat dairy, my skin is out of control within the next 8 hours. I know I’m super sensitive, as milk products also wreck havoc on my digestive system, but cutting out dairy is definitely one of the most proven ways to clear up your complexion. The second food that’s worth minimizing, and certainly the hardest for me, is sugar. We all know how detrimental increased sugar is for health, but I didn’t realize how much it impacted my skin. The studies show that eating high glycemic foods (high sugar) increase insulin production, as well as androgens, contributing to acne. When I read this a huge light bulb went off in my head… I was once a very strict vegan, mostly for environmental reasons, and wondered why it made my skin much worse. Looking back, I was eating a crazy amount sugar, a lot of times from fruits, but still sugar nonetheless. Most recently, I’ve decided to completely cut out sugar for 30 days, and I’ve already noticed remarkable improvements in my skin.

Foods for glowing skin: Healthy Fats & Fiber

Healthy fats, primarily those high in Omega-3 fatty acids, have shown to dramatically reduce inflammation. Omega 3’s can be found in fatty fish, as well as plant sources like flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 should be closer to 4:1, but most American’s ratio is more like 10:1. Due to the toxicity and over-fishing of our oceans, I personally abstain from eating fish, but do recommend supplementing Omega-3’s. Make sure to get your supplement from a reliable company that tests for heavy metals and is ethically sourced. Following healthy fats, the next big promoter of clear skin is fiber. Fiber is so important for a healthy digestive tract, which is displayed directly through the skin. Focus on getting your fiber from cruciferous vegetables (i.e. broccoli, cabbage, kale), leafy greens, and whole grains.

I know how frustrating acne can be, but I promise that treating the root cause is more likely to keep you maintaining a clear complexion for life. I’ve been to all types of doctors for my skin, and have always felt it was wrong to use harsh chemicals on my face or to be put on birth control. Finding balance in your body through healthful diet and lifestyle practices will not only be reflected externally, but internally as well. Thank you for reading, please leave a like or comment if you found this helpful! :)