A.M. Wellness

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My Top Favorite Books for Spiritual & Personal Growth

Okay so I will admit I’m a bit of a disorganized reader as I usually have about 5, if not more, books going at once… My bedside table stack is looking rather tall recently, but I wanted to share in this post the ones I’ve read cover to cover at least once if not twice. The following books have really helped me through some really difficult moments in my life and are the ones I look to for inspiration & guidance. I hope some of these may help you too, or can at least be on your mind for future reading. I feel like Fall is the perfect time to curl up with a good book and a warm beverage… so let’s get cozy and dive in:

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

I was first introduced to this book about 4 years ago as it was required reading for my 200-hr yoga teacher training certification. I will completely honest, I told my teachers back then that I finished it, but I only got about a quarter way through. This book is super deep and some of the concepts can leave you thinking for awhile, but that’s why I love it so much. I re-read it earlier this year cover to cover and it remains one of my top favorites for completely shifting the way you look at life. My copy is fully highlighted and underlined as I always look back at it when I feel stuck.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Okay I pretty sure everyone reads this in high school and for good reason! Paulo Coelho is an incredible author and this book is filled with so many life lessons we must be constantly reminded of. I’m pretty sure this is the most widely translated book out there, so if you weren't forced to read this in 12th grade definitely get yourself a copy.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is one my favorite spiritual teachers. The Power of Now illustrates how the mind takes us away from living an incredible life in the the present moment. It brings you on a spiritual journey into living a life guided by truth and light.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

I love Brene Brown. I feel like she has broken through a lot of barriers and has shown the public just how beautiful and powerful vulnerability is. I found this book while going through my first heartbreak… When I felt like I lost everything including my identity, this book brought be back to embracing myself again.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

If you need a good kick in the butt or a laugh to get yourself out of a rut, this is the book for you. It’s not too heavy, and Jen Sincero’s humor will leave you giggling your way through the pages. This will get you back to living a life you absolutely love.

Adventures for Your Soul by Shannon Kaiser

I read this book the summer before making a big move from Florida to California. At the time I had no idea I would be moving across the country and was feeling pretty lost, but this book pushed me to put fear in the back seat. If you need a little guidance in goal setting and changing what’s no longer serving you, this is it.

Live in Wonder by Eric Saperston

I’m pretty sure I picked up this book at a local ice cream shop in Maui with my best friend while on Spring break my Senior year of high school. It’s filled with quotes and thought provoking questions when you need a quick source of inspo. Also, a great one for the coffee table to spread the love.

Gift of the Body by Jonathan M. Goldman

Okay, I have most certainly not read this entire book, but that’s because I almost feel like it’s the bible for energetic healing. If your into understanding the chakras and living a life guided by the heart, this is a great reference.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If there are any books that have played a big role in your life, please share! I’m always on the search for more, I’d love to hear from you. 💜