A.M. Wellness

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Body Image & Self Acceptance ❤️

A study found that a shocking 80% of 9 year old girls have fear of becoming fat and so they start dieting. This statistic breaks my heart. Not only do I feel intense sadness for our youth today, but I feel ultimate compassion and understanding as I was also part of that 80%. 

Body image is such a sensitive topic for females in our culture. It has become an unfortunate epidemic to hate our bodies, to pick them apart, or compare them to other women. In addition, the pressure we feel to attain a certain shape has paralyzing effects on our self confidence & esteem. 

I know how it feels to struggle with this, and I also know how it feels to feel frustrated with your body for doing things that feel out of your control. My best advice is to start talking to your body like it was a little baby girl. Body self talk can be filled with so much disgust & anger instead of love & compassion… You would never speak to a baby & tell her how gross her chunky little legs are; that’s unheard of! But, why then do we look in the mirror and say that to ourselves? 

The faster you start honoring your body and thanking it for all the incredible processes it carries out for you every day, the sooner you will start looking and feeling your best. When I’m in a space of total self love and respect, my energy is higher, I look better, and I feed my body in the best way possible. Negative talk and self hatred will on a biological level increase stress hormones that will actually alter your metabolism. 

I invite you to start loving your body a little more, thanking it, and I promise you will start to notice both internal and external changes. ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please leave a like or a comment if this was helpful. Sending love. xo